In the recent past, mobile robots played an important role in the field of extraterrestrial surface exploration. Unfortunately, the currently available space exploration rovers do not provide the necessary mobility to reach scientifically interesting places in rough and steep terrain like boulder fields and craters.
Multi-legged robots have proven to be a good solution to provide high mobility in unstructured environments. However, space missions place high demands on the system design, control, and performance which are hard to fulfill with such kinematically complex systems.
This thesis focuses on the development, control, and evaluation of a six-legged robot for the purpose of lunar crater exploration considering the requirements arising from the envisaged mission scenario. The performance of the developed system is evaluated and optimized based on empirical data acquired in significant and reproducible experiments performed in a laboratory environment in order to show the capability of the system to perform such a task and to provide a basis for the comparability with other mobile robotic solutions.
Development, Control, and Empirical Evaluation of the Six-Legged Robot SpaceClimber Designed for Extraterrestrial Crater Exploration
In der Regel sind die Vorträge Teil von Lehrveranstaltungsreihen der Universität Bremen und nicht frei zugänglich. Bei Interesse wird um Rücksprache mit dem Sekretariat unter sek-ric(at) gebeten.