
Becker Rudder Systems

est Cruise Vessel or Containership, Becker can supply a matching rudder system, improving the ship?s manoeuvrability and its propulsion efficiency.

In the last years, Becker has achieved remarkable success with the new developed twisted full spade rudder for largest container ships and other high speed vessels as ferries, cruise ships, large yachts and navy ships. Those ships suffered from propeller induced cavitation problems, causing severe rudder erosion damages, which often led to a loss of rudder blades during operation. Becker?s new rudder design was developed by using latest hydrodynamic software tools (Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD) and was the tested in different model test facilities. Today, nearly 70% of all large containership on order will receive a Becker twisted full spade rudder.

Becker is also supplying automated provision handling systems for cruise ships as well as universal maritime communication systems as the world?s first reliable data service provider for global operation ships.


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zuletzt geändert am 31.03.2023