
Development of a lightweight force-torque sensor unit for measurement of high loads

Kolloquium Vortrag

A sensor, measuring applied forces and torques, is developed in the thesis. It

employs strain gauges to measure the deformation of a steel structure, to which

they are bonded. The goal is to achieve a sensor, that is able to measure high loads while being lightweight itself. It is meant to integrate directly into the mechanical structure of a robot to measure the forces and torques, which are applied to the robots extremities.

Analog strain signals, delivered by strain gauges, are processed by a microcontroller to identify the forces and torques. Algorithms for processing are developed and implemented on the microcontroller and a software running on a Desktop-PC. Calibration-methods

which are feasible in conjunction with an experimental setup for the sensor-device are develped and evaluated.

The developed sensor is able to measure two directions of forces and three

directions of torques. Noise-sources of the sensor-signals are evaluated and

identified. Experiments with the sensor-unit mounted on one leg of the target

robotic system are conducted, which show, that the developed sensor generates

distiguishable strain signals on different types of obstacles and


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zuletzt geändert am 31.03.2023