
Control Strategies for a Rimless Wheel Micro-Rover

Rimless wheeled robots are a hybrid variant of traditionally wheeled and legged robots. These hybrid systems combine the benefits of both approaches, such as efficient power demands and good terrain traversability. However, the simplicity of the design of the rimless wheel has the disadvantage of limiting the flexibility on foot placement and the impacts caused on the body when navigating rigid surfaces. To tackle these disadvantages, a gait control system is proposed that pursues the minimization of the forces in these impact phases and therefore reduces vertical motion of the rover center body.

In der Regel sind die Vorträge Teil von Lehrveranstaltungsreihen der Universität Bremen und nicht frei zugänglich. Bei Interesse wird um Rücksprache mit dem Sekretariat unter sek-ric(at)dfki.de gebeten.

zuletzt geändert am 31.03.2023