Using an organization-model for PDDL-based planning with a reconfigurable multi-robot system
Thomas M. Roehr, Ronny Hartanto
In 2015 Space Robotics Symposium, 29.10.-30.10.2015, Glasgow, o.A., Oct/2016.

Zusammenfassung (Abstract) :

This paper is motivated by the future application of reconfigurable multi-robot systems in space explora-tion missions and it presents our efforts to use existing PDDL-based planner for planning with reconfigurable multi-robot systems. We employ an organization model which allows reasoning with the multi-robot system and thereby enabling the analysis of dynamically composed coalitions and inference of capabilities and pro-visioned services. This permits a planner to account for modularity of the multi-robot system.. We approach the problem by applying state of the art planners and illustrate the planning challenge in the given domain along with the limitations of this approach. Consequently, we suggest improvements as well as alternative approaches to tackle the planning problem.

Stichworte :

reconfigurable; multi-robot; organization model; planning

zuletzt geändert am 27.02.2023