Towards a fine manipulation system with tactile feedback for deep-sea environments
Peter Kampmann, Frank Kirchner
In Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Elsevier, volume 67, pages 115-121, 2015.

Zusammenfassung (Abstract) :

Deep-sea manipulation is among the most challenging tasks in underwater robotics. Commonly used manipulation systems consist of a two-limb gripper system with limited force-feedback. Poor viewing conditions due to hazy water and missing depth information complicate the execution of manipulation tasks. By looking at the variety of different tasks that need to be fulfilled a design for a multi-limb gripper system is derived that is equipped with tactile sensors which allow fine-manipulation tasks. The feasibility of the described approach is demonstrated by testing one finger of the manipulation system in a pressure chamber under 600 bar.

Stichworte :

tactile sensors, manipulation, deep-sea, preprocessing of tactile data




zuletzt geändert am 27.02.2023