A Validation Process for Underwater Localization Algorithms
Marc Hildebrandt, Christopher Gaudig, Leif Christensen, Sankaranarayanan Natarajan, Javier Hidalgo Carrió, Patrick Merz Paranhos, Frank Kirchner
In International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Intech, volume 11, pages 1-10, Sep/2014.
Zusammenfassung (Abstract)
This paper describes the validation process of a localization algorithm for underwater vehicles. In order to develop new localization algorithms, it is essential to characterize them with respect to accuracy, long-term stability, and robustness to external sources of noise. This is only possible, if a gold-standard reference localization (GSRL) is available against which the new localization algorithm (NLA) can be tested. This process requires a vehicle which carries all required sen- sor and processing systems for both the GSRL and the NLA.
This paper will show the necessity of such a validation process, briefly sketch the test vehicle and its capabilities, describe the challenges of computing the localizations of both the GSRL and the NLA simultaneously for comparison, and conclude with experimental data of real-world trials.