Design and Test of a Robust Docking System for Hovering AUVs
Marius Wirtz, Marc Hildebrandt, Christopher Gaudig
In OCEANS 2012 MTS/IEEE Hampton Roads - Marine Technology for Our Future: Harnessing the Power of the Ocean, (OCEANS-12), 14.10.-19.10.2012, Hampton Roads, Virginia, IEEE, 2012. MTS/IEEE.

Zusammenfassung (Abstract) :

This paper presents the conceptual idea and a developed prototype of a docking system for a hovering AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle). The presented docking system passively assists the vehicle’s docking procedure by guiding it into a defined position, where it is mechanically locked in place by one of the station’s actuators. In its final position the docking system provides an electrical power supply and a broadband data link to the AUV. The developed concept additionally enables differently shaped AUVs to use the same docking station.

Stichworte :

AUV, docking, docking-station, charging, communication, WiFi, WLAN, Dagon, CUSLAM, permanent presence, underwater

zuletzt geändert am 27.02.2023