Conceptual and Embodiment Design of Robotic Prototypes
Johannes Lemburg, Frank Kirchner
Editors: Nikos Tsagarikis
In International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, World Scientific Publishing Co., volume 08, number 3/2011, pages 419-437, Nov/2011.
Zusammenfassung (Abstract)
Main advances in artificial intelligence robotics are algorithms, embodied in software on the level of application software. Low-level hardware programming, electronic and mechanics are the necessary basis to enable the implementation of newly developed algorithms. Complex autonomous systems are challenged by tasks that require fast reactions, resulting in high accelerations and forces. These systems therefore generally need low masses, stiff limbs and a precise control.
To boost AI-research, more robotic systems that are appropriate to specific research questions are needed. Mechanical design is therefore faced with the task to provide specialized systems with a given amount of time and factors of production. This paper outlines an approach to increase the efficiency of engineering design in the field of robotics by analyzing the bilateral influence of the system concept with embodiment design driven by state of the art small-batch manufacturing technologies.
The humanoid robotic system AILA is presented and selected steps out of its design process are discussed. A way to clearly state the axioms and requirements the developed system is based on is presented. The resulting dependencies lead to the embodiment design of the systems components, that are also influenced by the choice of suitable manufacturing technologies.
conceptual design, embodiment design, manufacturing technologies, rapid prototyping