Computer-Based Control of Deep-Sea Manipulators
Marc Hildebrandt, Jan Albiez, Frank Kirchner
In Voayage Towards the Future. Proceedings of OCEANS '08 (MTS) / IEEE KOBE-TECHNO-OCEAN '08 Conference and Exhibition, (OCEANS-2008), 8.4.-11.4.2008, Kobe, IEEE, pages 1-6, Apr/2008.

Zusammenfassung (Abstract) :

Traditionally, control of deep-sea manipulators happens in a master-slave fashion. The resulting necessity of a specially trained operator on-site severely limits the disposability of such systems. Further even simple tasks require significant amounts of time due to a number of factors, e.g. the operator's limited view of the manipulation environment or the low level of intuitive sensory feedback of a manipulator's actions. The CManipulator project of the DFKI-Lab Bremen, Germany, addresses these problems by utilising state-of-the-art computing algorithms to allow the partial automation of common tasks in deep-sea manipulation. This paper focuses on the basic principles and problems of such control structures on the example of the widely used hydraulic Orion 7P by Schilling Robotics.

zuletzt geändert am 27.02.2023