ADE: Autonomous Decision Making in Very Long Traverses
J. Ocón, I. Dragomir, A. Coles, A. Green, L. Kunze, R. Marc, C. J. Perez, T. Germa, V. Bissonnette, G. Scalise, M. Foughali, K. Kapellos, R. Dominguez, Florian Cordes, G. Paar, G. Reina, A. Kisdi
In 15th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS '20), (i-SAIRAS-2020), 19.10.-23.10.2020, Online-Conference, CA, n.n., Oct/2020.

Zusammenfassung (Abstract) :

ADE (Autonomous DEcision making in Very Long Traverses) is an ongoing H2020 project aiming to de-velop key technologies for future space robotics mis-sions. The focus of the project is to develop an exhaus-tive autonomous system for planetary rover explora-tion that can traverse at least 1km/sol, perform and maximize the scientific data collection, take appropri-ate decisions in nominal and contingency situations and ensure its safety at any moment. In this paper we describe the system developed and its capabilities, along with the validation approach and testing facilities.



zuletzt geändert am 27.02.2023