A survey on modularity and distributivity in series-parallel hybrid robots
Shivesh Kumar, Hendrik Wöhrle, José de Gea Fernández, Andreas Mueller, Frank Kirchner
In Mechatronics, Elsevier Ltd., volume 68, pages 102-367, Jun/2020.

Zusammenfassung (Abstract) :

Parallel mechanisms are used increasingly often as modular subsystem units in various robots and man-machine interfaces for their superior stiffness, payload-to-weight ratio and dynamic properties. This leads to series-parallel hybrid robotic systems which utilize closed loop linkages and parallel kinematic machines as an abstraction of a certain kinematic joint. This paper presents a survey of recently developed series-parallel hybrid robots in various application domains such as legged robotics, humanoids, exoskeletons and industrial automation. In particular, we focus on modular and distributive aspects of such systems with an intention to bring the current design paradigm into focus, which simplifies the robot development process by promoting the effective reuse of hardware and software components and overcomes the shortcomings of traditional serial robots like poor payload capacity and stiffness.

Stichworte :

series-parallel hybrid robots, modular design, distributed control, parallel robots, modeling and control

zuletzt geändert am 27.02.2023