Virtual Validation and Verification of the VaMEx Initative
Joern Teuber, Rene Weller, Luisa Buinhas, Daniel Kuehn, Philipp Dittmann, Abhishek Srinivas, Frank Kirchner, Roger Foerstner, Oliver Funke, Gabriel Zachmann
In Proceedings of the 16th International Planetary Probe Workshop, (IPPW-2019), 08.7.-12.7.2019, Oxford, o.A., 2019.

Zusammenfassung (Abstract) :

We present an overview of the Valles Marineris Explorer (VaMEx) initiative, a DLR-funded project line for the development of required key technologies to enable a future swarm exploration of the Valles Marineris on Mars. The Valles Marineris is a wide canyon range, near the Martian equator. The so far still fictive VaMEx mission scenario compromises a swarm of different robots, including rovers, flying drones and a hominid robot. Here, we present VaMEx-VTB, a virtual testbed (VTB) with a digitalized map of the large and fragmented terrain of the Valles Marineris. The VaMEx-VTB allows an adjustable validation as well as verification of the complex mission design in virtual reality, due to its modular design. It shall also be used in preparation of field tests in the near future for validation of each swarm element's ability for interactive swarm cooperation and collaboration.




zuletzt geändert am 27.02.2023